Coming Up...

Important Dates

June 5 - Non-Instructional Day - No School for Students  June 26 - Last Day of Classes for Students 

Friday, February 7, 2020



Hope you are enjoying the warm weather!

The excitement continues in our classroom with exciting learning happening every day - see the pictures in our Photo Gallery!

We have recently started a new inquiry in Social.  We are investigating how we as story tellers can tell the story of Alberta's past.  The story of Alberta's past includes a history of colonization and its impacts including residential schooling, treaty-making, and modern legislation.  These are sensitive topics and may raise strong emotions.  Take some time to talk to your child about what they are learning about and ask them to share with you how they feel. 

In Science, we worked with worms all week!  Yes, it creeped some of us out sometimes - but overall, we learned how cool the worms are and just how important they really are!  We got to bury waste in our vermi-compost bins and then check to see how fast items decompose - ask you child which items "disappeared" the fastest and which were still there!

In Math, we have learned to tackle real-life world problems requiring us to multiply or divide.  We are starting to get really good at identifying the problem, setting up an equation and we can even use multiple strategies to solve the problem!  Please note, students should have their facts up to 7x7 memorized.  Please help your child with their multiplication facts - 15 min of daily practice for 1-2 weeks should do it!

Daily Homework Reminder :
- 30 min of reading every day
- Write a reader's response at least 3 times every week (in red notebook or on Google Docs - share with me at

Other Important Reminders:
- Next week is a short week due to the Teacher's Convention and Family Day!
- Please fill out the Paren Accountability Pillar Survey which you should have received in the mail.  If you require the survey in another language, please contact the school.

Have an awesome weekend!

See you next week,

Mrs. Hussain